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Dynasty Warriors 4 Download

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by crowtigenma1980 2020. 1. 23. 03:40


Dynasty Warriors 4 Download
  • Mar 03, 2015  Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper is an action-oriented spin-off.
  • For example, Lu Xun's second costume in Dynasty Warriors 3 was blue but in Dynasty Warriors 4 the sixth costume is pink. Opening Edit option. Unlock all 42 characters, and complete the game with at least one character under each force (Wei, Wu, Shu, Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu, Yuan Shao).

Download Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper pc games latest full version setup.exe file direct link for windows highly compressed offline 100% working. Dynasty Warriors 4 is a hack and slash game that never gets boring. About This Game. Dynasty Warriors 4 is the 4th of the best action fighting beat em up video game series by Koei.

Set difficulty to hard mode then select thebattle of Wan Castle. To get this weapon haveone player be Cao Cao and the other be Dian Wei.The person who is Cao Cao must NOT GET HIT ATALL. Dian Wei must meet with Cao Cao then defeatevery single enemy on the level until there isno other enemies remaining.

Once all enemies aregone you must trigger the movie where Cao Caosays ' curses we have been trapped' then Xu Zhuwill break through a door. After that movieZhang Xiu will reappear and you should then amessage will appear that Dian Wei has recievedhis ultimate weapon Mad Bull.

(REMEMBER: Cao CaoCANNOT be hit AT ALL for this to work.). This must be dome in Musou mode.

Get to the levelat Xi Pi as Cao Cao forces Destroy the carriagethat will make Yaun Shu appear as a ally for LuBu. Do not kill Diao Chan, but make all Lu Bu'smen surrender and kill the general at the top,because he will not surrender. After all that isdone, Lu Bu will retreat with Diao Chan. Then, goto Guan Du and Lu Bu will appear.

Download Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper

He mostlyappears when you destroy the Wen Chou compound.Note: If you kill Lu Bu, Yuan Shoa's morale willdrop massively, allowing you easy victory. Play the Battle At Tong Gate level as the Shuforces. First, defeat the four generals in thebottom right corner, then defeat Xu Huang'ssub-officer and then Xu Huang. Defeat Cao Cao'stwo sub-generals, then wait for Han Sui to meetwith Cao Cao. After that, fight Cao Cao'smen until his morale is one star. Wait for bothof the following things to happen: anintermission sequence showing some of Cao Cao'smenfinding lots of horses; and Han Sui decliningdefection where he says 'Ma Chao is like a son tome'. The special item will then appear nearthe bottom right enemy Gate Captain.

(note worksbetter with 2 players). To obtain storm runner, play Lu Bu's musou orfree mode in campaign against Cao Cao. Go southfrom your starting point and kill Cao Zhang.After doing so, the enemy will ambush you.Destroy Xu Huang(ambush party leader)and headsouth of the battlement. Go to the area on theleft and the other enemy ambush party will fleebecause you've spoiled their ambush. Once youspoil the ambush, go to the center of thebattlement and eliminate the officer there. Thenorth battlement gate should open. Then headsouth and kill the officer in front of Cao Cao'sfortress and its gates should open.

Go into thefortress and defeat Dian Wei. The doors willclose and Xiahou Dun will ambush your forces inthe northwest. Defeat the gaurd captain in thefortress and hurry towards Xiahou Dun'sunit.Defeat Xiahou Dun and a valuable item willbe discovered in Cao Cao's fortress. Its aroundthe area where Cao Cao is sitting. Take the itemand defeat Cao Cao. First off you must set the difficulty to hardmode then choose the level: Lu Bu's Revolt. Allyou must do is eliminate every single enemy onthe level (including regular troops) until onlyLu Bu is left (make sure you kill ALL of histroops too).

Once only Lu Bu is left he shouldsay 'For now on I walk this path alone.' Afterthat a message should appear that Dong Zhuo hasreceived his level 10 weapon Horror. Then kill LuBu and the level will end and you will have yourlevel 10 weapon for Dong Zhuo. If you have a strong character capable ofcompleting levels with a difficulty rating ofabout six or more and you need upgrading, go tothe Mt. Ding Jun level. Fight for the Shu side.Once in the level, fight your way towards XiahouYuan and Zhang He. If you defeat Xiahou Yuan, hewill give you +4 attack and 1228 weaponexperience points.

Zhang He will give you +4defense and a little less experience points. Ifyour character is not strong enough to battle atMt.Ding Jun, select the Battle of Guan Du leveland fight for Wei. There are many officers andZhang He, Liu Bei, and Zhang Fei all drop +2power-ups.Go to the Unification Of Jiang Dong level in theWu Territory under the medium difficulty setting.All generals and their officers give a minimum of+2 to attack/defence, and the rest give +4. Thedifficulty for the level is only rated for 4 onmedium difficulty. Weapon experience is not veryhigh, however, and you will only acquire about3000 weapon experience points (more if you jugglethe Named Ones).


You do not have to do anything special in orderto get an Orb. They appear randomly.For the Orb element to take effect, you must havea full Musuo bar.

If your character has a level10 weapon, then a full Musuo bar is not required.Play the Yellow Turban Fortress level on the Hanside. Once you start, there will be two forts(left and right). Go to the left fort and defeatthe officer outside the gate to get the gateopen. Once inside, go to the bottom left corner.A crate should be there, near a fence. Open it,and an item that should be an Orb will appear. Tohelp you get these Orbs easier, equip the SevenStar Luck. First, you must have an Edit Officer with a level9 spear.

Then, go to the Si Shue Gate level. Killonly officers that are not in one of the twofortress. Once Sun Jian retreats and Yuan Shaosays 'Is there no one who can defeat Hua Xiong?' ,defeat Hua Xiong. Next, go into the main fortressand kill the main general's two sub-officers.After awhile, Zhang Liao will appear as backupfor the enemy.

Kill Zhang Liao then go into thesupply depot (the fortress nearest to your maincamp) from the back entrance and kill theofficers in there. Then, defeat all other enemygenerals besides the main commander. Next, afterall officers are gone, defeat the commander. Ifyour weapon was level 9, it should now upgrade tolevel 10, Typhoon.Play under the hard difficulty setting using acreated officer with a level 10 spear. When thelevel starts, go south, and kill (in order): LiSu, Gao Shun, and Niou Fu, Then, wait for SunJian to retreat, and for Hua Xiong to charge.When Yuan Shao says 'Are there no warriors herethat can defeat Hua Xiong?' , go forward and fightHua Xiong. Killing his sub-officers is notnecessary.

Then, go past where Hua Xiong waslocated and kill Li Jue's two sub officers, LiMeng, and Yang Feng. After defeating those twoopponents, wait for Zhang Liao to appear anddefeat him. After defeating him, go north, pastwhere Li Jue is located, up to the back entranceof the enemy supply depot. Defeat Wang Fang andFan Chou. After this, you should get a messagethat reads 'has obtained the Ultimate WeaponTyphoon.'

Then, just finish the level. Play the Battle At Tong Gate level as the Shuforces. First, defeat the four generals in thebottom right corner, then defeat Xu Huang's sub-officer and then Xu Huang.

Defeat Cao Cao's twosub-generals, then wait for Han Sui to meet withCao Cao. After that, fight Cao Cao's men untilhis morale is one star. Wait for both of thefollowing things to happen: an intermissionsequence showing some of Cao Cao's men findinglots of horses; and Han Sui declining defectionwhere he says 'Ma Chao is like a son to me'.

Thespecial item will then appear near the bottomright enemy Gate Captain. First, get Guan Yu's Escape for Wei. Do this bychooseing Yellow Turban Rebellion first in Act 1,then in Act 2, clear both stages. After theBattle of Guan Du in Act 3, it will be Wei Tales,Guan Yu's Escape. When at Guan Yu's Escape, equipthe Red Hare saddle, if available. Pass the fifthgate and a Supply Team will appear around thefourth gate.

Dart back, kill the Supply Team, andget the item he drops. Forget about Guan Yu andall the other generals when you get the item, andfocus on the Carriage. It is somewhat easy todefeat.

To get the Wind Scroll (which boosts your weaponrange), play the Battle of Xu Chang level as theShu Forces. When Yue Ying begins to set up theSiege Ramp, protect her. However, you also haveto kill Xu Zhu before your rear flank dies.

Note:The Red Hare is recommended. Kill the peoplearound Hu Zhi, and him if desired. Find and killMan Chong. You do not have to kill Man Chong andHu Zhi, but it is recommended. The Siege Rampwill appear. Find and kill Xu Zhu before theFlank dies.

There will be a precious item report.The item will appear around the top of map,slightly off center. If that was too long to do,just make sure Yue Ying sets up the ramp and thatyou kill Xu Zhu before the rear flank dies. In the Battle of Ru Nan under the hard difficultysetting, meet with Zhao Yun after he appears onthe map (about ten to twenty seconds into thegame at the bottom right horizontal path). Afterthe Zhao Yun swears allegiance event, defeat LiDian, and join with Zhang Fei. At the Xiahou Yuanappearance, defeat Xiahou Yuan before Guan Yuappears (about 4:30 to 5:30 into the game),defeat Yu Jin, defeat Xu Chu. At the Xiahou Dunappearance, defeat Xiahou Dun, defeat Zhang He,and defeat Yue Jin. Note: Other than defeating LiDian after meeting with Zhao Yun and defeatingXiahou Yuan before Guan Yu appears, all otherenemy generals can be defeated in any order.

Play the Battle Of Bo Wang Po level. Follow ZhugeLiang's instructions. First, lead Xiahou Dun tothe designated fire attack spot in the middlepath of the map left area. After the fire attackevent, defeat Xiahou Dun. The Han Hao attackmessage will appear. Zhuge Liang next tells youto lead Han Hao to the designated ambush spot inthe top path of the map left area.

Guan Pingambush troops will appear. Defeat Han Hao. AtZhuge Liang's next instruction message, lead YuJin to the designated ambush spot on the upperbridge. Guan Yu's ambush troop will appear.Defeat Yu Jin, Zhuge Liang. Order Zhang Fei tofire attack on enemy food supply. After the fireattack is successful, clear the path of enemiesfor Zhuge Liang to enter the enemy castle. TheZhuge Liang meeting Cao Cao event will appear.Zhao Yun earns his Level 10 Weapon.

If after youhave cleared all enemy generals and soldiersexcept Cao Cao, and Zhuge Liang stands in frontof the enemy castle but will not enter, you canlead Cao Cao to follow you out of the castle tomeet with Zhuge Liang. First, clear the Battle Of Jie Ting level, thenchoose the Battle Of Wu Zhang Plains level.

Go tothe left path and approach Zhang He. After theconsecutive arrow vehicle event, defeat Zhang He.Approach the enemy base, and start the enrageSima Yi event. A Supply Troop appearance messagewill appear. Backtrack and defeat Xiahou Dun toprotect the Supply Troop. The 'Supply Troop brokethrough battle lines and reached the ally base'message will appear. Note: This weapon can onlybe earned in Musou Mode. If you do not clear theBattle Of Jie Ting level first, there will be noSupply Troop appearance.

Dynasty Warriors 4 Download